Types of Courses

Classes for students aged 16 +
Private or Group Conversation
Private or Group Exam Preparation
Private or Group Business English
Private or Group English for travel

Level Test

'Not sure what your level is? We offer a free online test that gives an approximate estimation of your level. We're happy to review and adjust your level if you're not satisfied with your placement.

Try a Class

New to online learning? Try a 30 minute class - we think you'll love learning with us once you see how easy and convenient it is!

Our Teachers

Our teachers are qualified native teachers who have been trained to use various teaching methods adapted to online teaching. Each teacher brings personal expertise to their lessons.


Get started today! Learn English with The English School ONLINE; it's easy to connect, we know you're going to love it!

Make a Payment

Wherever you are connecting from, making a payment is simple. Contact us and we'll give you the details of several ways that we accept payments.

Contact Us

Email: teslagomera@gmail.com
Phone: +34 822 101 705
Calle Real 35, San Sebastián de La Gomera

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