Our History


2004: First Classes offered in Calle El Tanquito, San Sebastián

2007: First Christmas Production at the community Auditorium

2008: First candidates present for Cambridge Young Learners Exams & Levels A2 and B1

2011: Moved to Calle Real, our current location 

2012: A large smartboard was installed for the teen classes

2014: First 2 candidates present for level B2 in Tenerife

2015: First 2 week summer camp to Carlingford, Ireland

2016: Satellite school opened in Playa Santiago, La Gomera

2018: New Director of Studies Anna Bentarhi transitions from Amy Langston 

2019: Second 2 week summer trip to Carlingford, Ireland

2020: Converted all levels to online classes during COVID-19 pandemic

2021: New 8 & 11 year old curriculum written, first school website launched, became an approved Cambridge Linguaskill exam centre. 

2022: English Clubs start in January


In 2000, Amy arrived in La Gomera for the first time as a student of the University of Wales Swansea. She was studying a degree in Spanish and French and spent a year in the high school in San Sebastian as an English Language Assistant. She fell completely in love with La Gomera and came back as soon as she finished her studies in the UK. She set up the school in 2004 with just a few young learners who wanted to practice their English as an extracurricular activity. The school grew and grew and new staff were brought in to help with the increasing demand for language learning. French and German as well as Spanish for foreigners were added to the timetable. Trips to English speaking countries began and an exchange was set up  with a British high school. As the students gained competence in the English language they began to take official exams in preparation for their future. Anna took over in 2018 and carried the school into the digital era, modernizing the functioning of the school.  She implemented a clear 3 term structure, with each term having specific learning objectives.   These targets are reviewed at the end of each term and a personalized digital report is provided to parents.  Today the school continues to provide a quality learning experience for students of all ages and has plans to expand services to keep up-to-date with the latest teaching trends. 

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